What is Toastmasters?

"Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. Headquartered in Englewood, Colorado, the organization's membership is approximately 280,000 in more than 14,700 clubs in 144 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders."

To learn more or join, visit: www.Toastmasters.org

My Toastmasters Journey

I joined Toastmasters in October, 2013. It was a very difficult time in my life and I needed a "safe harbor" - a place where I could feel welcomed and possibly be of service. I realized very quickly that I had found a "home." After a few well-received speeches, several members asked me if I was going to compete in the contests.

"Contests, what contests?" I said. I hadn't competed in a speech contest since high school. After winning my club contest in Table Topics (impromptu speaking) and International Speech (5-7 minute, original speech) I saw a chance to share a message and reach a wider audience. I continued winning and found myself moving on from District to the International semi-final round in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! I won that round and then competed in the Finals of the World Championship of Public Speaking - all in my first year in Toastmasters! I grew as a speaker and learned so much that I did it all again the next year, and the year after that!

Sure, travel, winning awards and accolades are fine... buty they're not why I competed. At each level, I found myself in front of larger audiences - upwards of 3,000 in the Finals. This was my opportunity to "plant seeds," messages in the minds of a truly international audience. My hope was they would take my words back to their part of the world and share with others. Message / Mission / Ministry, all in one!

2X Finalist

World Championship of Public Speaking

International WCPS Semi-Finals

2X Winner

3X Winner

District 57 International Speech Contest

2X Winner

District 57 Table Topics Speech Contest

My Offers for Toastmasters

Whether you're just starting your Toastmasters' journey, preparing for a contest, or you just want to flatten your learning curve a bit, I can help you become a more poised, confident, impactful speaker!

Check out the offers below and choose one that's right for you:

Pick My Brain

Sometimes you just need a "second opinion," or the "voice of experience." I can offer both!

How this works: you ask me 1 question about speaking / presentations / training, etc...

I will reply by email. No phone. No video. No back-and-forth. ONE question. ONE exchange.

This is a one-time-only deal.

I will NOT evaluate your speech, speech video, or answer more than 3 questions - ONE TIME. Make sure it's a good question!

Cost: FREE.

Submit your questions using the form on the Contact page.

Speech Review

Whether you're working on your "Icebreaker," Pathway, or a Contest speech, I can help you prepare to present like a pro!

How this works: we meet ONE time for 45-minutes on Zoom.

Cameras on. The session is recorded. You get a copy of the recording.

What will we cover? Whatever you want! We can:

  • Brainstorm speech ideas

  • Develop content / structure

  • Evaluate message / delivery

Cost: $97.

Click the link below to book your session.

Speech Coaching

If you're serious about becoming a better presenter, making progress faster, and avoiding a lot of mistakes others make, then one-on-one coaching may be what you need.

How this works: we meet once a week for an hour, four times a month, on Zoom.

Cameras on. The session is recorded. You get a copy of the recording.

What will we cover? Whatever you want! We can:

  • Brainstorm speech ideas

  • Review your presentation / speech

  • Evaluate message / delivery

Cost: $397. (This is a $500 discount for Toastmasters members only.)

Click the link below to book your session.

By signing up for, or investing in any program or offering, you agree to the "Terms and Conditions."

"James is the classic multidimensional talent that does not come around often. He is a creative and talented public speaker, a teacher and an inspirational, natural leader. There are no limits to his gifts."
- Randie Ellington, Division D Governor, District 57, Toastmasters International

Download My Presentation on "Your Body Speaks"